
AD International is the first and leading automotive aftermarket co-operation, ADI continues to be a major driving force in the distribution of replacement parts, products, equipment and accessories to professional repairers.

Autodistribution International

Autodistribution International, in short ADI, is a leading automotive trade organisation with 3000 wholesale outlets for distribution of car parts, tools, accessories and equipment. Its footprint extends to 40 countries in Europe, Northern Africa and Central Asia. 

Head Office

The ADI headquarters are located in Kortenberg (Belgium) only 20 minutes from Brussels airport and 30 minutes from the capital of Europe.

The offices feature meeting facilities to receive ADI partners from all over Europe on a regular basis and are fully equipped with high speed lines and latest technology for online conferencing.


From the headquarters, a team of dedicated professionals develops and coordinates all activities, driving automotive distribution for its AD Partners and their distributors.

They are the first point of contact for ADI’s contract suppliers and partners.

Manuel Van Royen

Managing Director

e-mail: manuel.vanroyen@adi.be

Peter Hansen

Supplier Development Manager

Email: peter.hansen@adi.be

Petra Vanfroyenhoven

Marketing Director

Email: petra.vanfroyenhoven@adi.be

Tina Hu

Business Intelligence Assistant

Email: tina.hu@adi.be